Friday, September 08, 2006

Guest Post: Zak's Kids (of Two Mirrors) August Picks

Hello (sm)all ages readers. It’s your old (by old I mean I’m old—keep reading and it will make sense) friend Zak from The Two Mirrors. And once again Clea was kind enough to let me donate my kiddies favorite tunes from August.

I once read an interview with Cameron Crowe and the interviewer asked him if he kept a diary. His response was no, but that he made a mix tape (remember those?) every month to remind him of what was going on in his life for that month. I always thought it was an extremely cool way to tell the story of your life—through music. And interestingly enough, these five songs kinda tell the story of August for my family. Hope you enjoy.

Ben Folds—Still Fighting It
So I turned 30 on August 5th. Yeah it was tough for me, but here I am thirty years old. Anyways, about four days before my birthday, Aiden was walking around singing this song. And I just figured he and my wife, Amy, had been listening while I was at work. Anyway, August 5th arrives, and my lovely wife, she is so good to me, had made me a DVD of all these pictures from my life. You know one of those tear jerkers you have to watch in front of all your friends. Good Stuff. And she had the pics set to this song. So little Aiden and Anna have watched the DVD tons of times and they walk around singing this track.

Voxtrot—Rise up in the dirt
So a few days later, Anna and my wife, were cleaning out my car. Did I mention how good they are to me? And I came outside to see what was going on and there they were in the driver’s seat both rocking out to this song. It is a mental image I hope to never loose. It was so special to see them enjoying this song by themselves. Good stuff.

Broken Social Scene—7/4 Shoreline
And my little Aiden is still in his rocking out stage. I have tried to curb his appetite to enjoy the more subtle side of music and this song is about as close as I can get. It’s an amazing track and I am so excited that Aiden’s taste in music is what it is.

So I’m slipping one of my favorites in here too. My little ones are really getting into this song though. You guys should really be listening to Arizona. They are making some of the most creative and exciting music I have heard in a long time. Aiden just loves when this song starts to really rock at the end. He just runs around and dances and shakes his little head.

The Lovely Feathers—The Only Appalachian
We all went to the local museum of modern art for a community art project last weekend. They had this enormous picture of Marilyn Monroe (in Andy Warhol style) that they had the whole community paint. The picture above is Aiden and I doing our best to not mess up the whole project. Anyway, Aiden LOVED it. He still talks about it. And on the way home we rocked out this, one of his new favorite, track. It is a wild song—really fun though. Take a listen.

More information: Ben Folds, Voxtrot, Broken Social Scene, Arizona, The Lovely Feathers


Another stellar list from Zak's kids. Thanks so much, I didn't know those last two songs at all till Zak sent them over red rover. My kid is gonna love the Lovely Feathers song: I mean energetic counting and a chorus that frantically says, among other things, "We'll take off our pants, kiss the corn and dance..."

And, geez you're old. -- Clea

FYI - New post over at


Anonymous said...

Sweet birthday story. But, yeah. Old. Whatever. With kids that rock like that, you'll never be old.

Zak Champagne said...

Thanks for the love deb. I don't feel old until someone asks or I actually think about the number.

And Im glad to that you liked the lovely feathers and arizona clea. They are two of my favs of the year and it makes me so happy that the kids like them to.


Zak Champagne said...

You can tell that Aiden is screwing up the painting. The kid next to him is much more talented.
