Friday, August 25, 2006

Guest Post: Deb in SF

Hey kids. One of my most favorite new blog friends is Deb in SF. She has kindly chosen three songs that I think represent. They are delightful and all new to me and they make my heart sing. Those are her cute kids to the right. Now, here you go:

I had to bust Max for some misbehavior or other the a few days ago. I can't remember what the specific offense was. Something not terribly awful, but worthy of the "stern voice" that doesn’t come out very often and some serious tears from both him and his little sister. After all was said and done, I ended up reassuring him that no matter what, I love him. Even when I don’t like his behavior. Even when I have to use the stern voice. So he says to me, "Mommy, I know one reason why you don’t love me." – My little drama boy – "There can’t possibly be a reason, Max."

"Yeah, because I stink at accordion."

Enzo Garcia – May We Go Round – A San Francisco musician. This is off of his beautiful, self-titled record. It's such a sweet, lovely song. It always warms me and my kids love it, too. It touches me on a million levels. It's this little, light song. But then it’s kinda silly, with the bird chirping and the playfulness. It's also got this cheeky, double entendre thing going on that the kids don't pick up on (maybe that’s just my late 30's hormones?) and even that's back around to really sweet and lovely. My kid's just like the doot-doot, grown man on the playground goofiness and singing along. Plus, he plays the flippin' saw!

Uni and Her Ukelele – My Favorite Letter is U – Another SF local. She's got a rad voice and puts on a great show. She sings about everything in the world, but in this song she sings about rainbows and unicorns. And, she dresses real pretty and she's sparkly, which always appeals to the littles. Her songs are really heartfelt and genuine. She's a beautiful woman, inside and out. Max loves her songs and whenever we see her, he gets really happy. He drew her a picture once of a unicorn in a rainstorm and he loves listening to her music. He wants to know what all the lyrics mean. Doesn’t even dance to it, just listens, even though it's pop at its finest!

The Honey Brothers – O Dear – Ok, These guys are not at all from San Francisco. I don't even know where they're from. New York? All I know is that this is a poppy fun song that we sing and makes me think of how much I love my littles and we listen to it in the car on these too sunny San Francisco summer days with the wind blowing through our hair. We all sing along. Uni recommended the cd to me. It's cheap, too! I don’t even really know what the lyric is. I just know the chorus. O dear, o dear, I think my heart is showing here…

And I don't even care how well you play the accordion.

Thank you, Clea, for letting me come play at your blog house. You have the best place, ever! If this is your first time here, wander, roam, check-it. Clea's my friend and she shares. And she's got rockin' great taste.

More information on: Enzo Garcia, Uni and Her Ukelele, The Honey Brothers

No, thank you Deb. Seriously, all new songs to me and all new super favorites. And is that the guy from Entourage in the Honey Brothers?? Lastly, fyi, I am going to try and post on my site a few times a week, starting again today. No kids' stuff over there just musings on music, books and life... -superclea


Anonymous said...

It is that guy!