Let's discuss: The Blur song is the infamous anthemic "woo hoo" song. It seems apropos now as I'm sure somewhere, someplace it's playing in honor of some national soccer team. It's got head-bopping, it's got a singable chorus of nonsense, what more do you need to make 'em happy? An early Rilo Kiley track from the Initial Friend EP. Oh how I love this song. Simple, silly, light and airy and yet full of Jenny Lewis-sass. Not the masterful band they became but good nonetheless. Yeah there is a bit about getting naked, but you know what, my daughter literally does that a lot and it's just fine in the confines of our home. The community pool? Well that's another story entirely. I think I posted this Nellie McKay song before but oh well. It's a good one, a fam favorite. There is barking. Sparks? What can I say, songs about monsters work, even these kinds of monsters. It just makes me think of Valley Girl. Ah, Nick Cage's trianglular shaped patch of chest hair, I knew yee well. Saw that flick only about 48 times when I was in high school. And lastly, my daughter's favorite song, by her (and my) favorite band, but this one is singalong style, solo and live from the Letters to Santa Benefit that Jennings at rbally.net has been posting. Let me just say now, he's good that rbally guy and these tracks just make me so freaking happy, even when I'm spent. So, go check out his fabulous blog.
Blur, "Song 2"
Rilo Kiley, "The Frug"
Nellie McKay, "The Dog Song" (m4a)
Sparks, "Eaten By The Monster of Love"
Jeff Tweedy, "Magazine Called Sunset"
Also, fyi, I'm working on my superclea site and my yer little sister blog. I'm actually combining them and right now, it's a mess, so excuse me, pardon me, I'll let you know when it's working. On an only marginally related note, my book and I got a write up in the Bratz magazine. This bums me out to no end. Yep, that's my press. Woo hoo indeed. Please buy my book, I apparently need help.
Wow. Thanks for reminding me about Eaten By The Monster Of Love. Have always loved that song and its place in the movie. I'll have to go dust off both my Valley Girl soundtracks and see what else is applicable (but I'll probably stay away from the main Josie Cotton song).
oh but how i love josie cotton! i found her through that movie, and became obsessed. I wasn't copying madonna in the 80s, I was totally a Josie Cotton wannabe. I've actually looked for some of these tunes on CD and online and haven't found much. If anyone has a few they want to send me, hint, hint.
One of my son's favorite songs of the year, so far, is Sparks' "Waterproof"... He sings it in the shower!
Oh, how I loved Valley Girl and Nick Cage. Ahhhh! 48 times at least. My best girlfriend and I would rent it about every weekend. Those songs would just send me into teenaged hormonal tearfests of "nobody understands me!". My little girl already seems to have it in her. Can't wait to hear what songs do it to her....
I don't know if I can bring myself to listen to that Blur song anymore. It feels like it played incessantly on the radio when I was in college. The Rilo Kiley is cool though...except when I forget to skip tracks with cursing while riding in the car w/ my wife and son. My wife does not have a proper appreciation of the english language in its many varied forms. Off subject, has anyone heard Justin Robert's new CD Meltdown. That CD is way too catchy to the point I am waking up at night humming the songs.
Yeah the frug does have a curseword in it, i forgot. sorry, folks. honestly it flies right by my kid... but i understand being against those sorts of things... :)
I think my wife is more worried about what words I will teach our son when she isn't around :)
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