Today, songs about elephants. Kind of. If I had to pick one song that has grabbed by daughter's preschool by their tiny little shoulders and caused them to move and groove it's the Toy Dolls, "Nellie the Elephant." The "whooooaaaaaAAAAAAA!" gets 'em every time. The whole class pogos in unison and it's earth-shakingly fabulous. "Baby Elephant Walk" is a classic, here by the Thai Elephant Orchestra. Seems appropriate, no? Then, Dan Zanes with "Water for the Elephants" from his hip-shaking CD, "Family Dance." And lastly, a song from Pilotdrift that's more for you lovers of what I like to call, theater rock. Lots of "chorus" in the Shakespeare sense, kind of descendants of Queen... maybe. Not exactly ideal for the kiddles, maybe more for you. Or not. You decide. It is about elephants. Kind of.
The Toy Dolls, "Nellie the Elephant"
The Thai Elephant Orchestra, "Baby Elephant Walk"
Dan Zanes, "Water for the Elephants"
Pilotdrift, "Elephant Island"
Dan Zanes and all his fabulousness can be found at DanZanes.com.
Pilotdrift have more songs on their MySpace page.
And lastly, a song from Pilotdrift that's more for you lovers of what I like to call, theater rock.
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